3 And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head. 4There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that? 5For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they scolded her. 6But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. 8 She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. 9And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” (Mark 14:3-9, ESV)

If we miss the sobering teaching of this passage, then we are not being careful readers. How many times have we read this passage and walked away from it thinking, “That was nice of that woman to pour that ointment on Jesus’ head. What a worshipful gesture.” Indeed, that is part of the import of this account, but somehow this description does not do justice to the full weight of the text. There are many accounts in scripture of people making worshipful gestures to Christ. From Nicodemus’ nighttime visit to learn from the Master to the penitent thief’s confession on the cross, there are various accounts of people expressing praise to Jesus and honoring him as Lord. So what makes this woman’s story any different?

The answer to this question lies in verse five, where Mark tells us that the ointment was worth 300 denarii—300 days’ wages for an unskilled laborer. Using the U.S. federal minimum wage of $6.55 per hour, that amounts to $52.40 per eight-hour day for a 300-day total of $15,720.00. That is a new car, a down payment on a new home or possibly a complete college education. Some might dispute the accuracy of this figure on the basis that the purchasing power of today’s dollar is different from that of the first-century Roman denarius. Nevertheless, one fact remains clear: This was an enormous amount of money, a small fortune that one would certainly be foolish to throw away on frivolous pursuits. Yet this woman, in one of the greatest stories of self-sacrifice and piety in the Bible, breaks the alabaster container and empties its entire contents—every last precious drop—on the Lord’s head. In modern terms, she poured away the chance for a new car, a new mortgage or a higher education. Talk about liquidating your assets.

Notice that this woman did not count out drops of the valuable liquid for the Lord, saving some for herself. She was not the least bit anxious about the amount of perfume she was parting with. No ledger, no accounting, no worries. On the contrary, what was first and foremost on her mind was the worship of her Lord. That devotion swallowed up all material worries in one ravenous act of piety. All that mattered to her, all that she saw in her mind, was Jesus and what she was going to do to honor him. If she worried at all, it was probably that perhaps she unwittingly withheld a drop that should have been devoted to the Christ. At that moment in time, Jesus Christ was her all in all, and the material goods of this world could not hold a candle to the immense value of worshiping her Lord.

What a godly example! I submit that this woman’s act of sacrifice has been matched only seldom. I challenge you to find a Christian in your own midst who has sacrificed as much. I can’t say that I have. Doesn’t this woman’s selfless act of devotion put us to shame? Do we value our possessions and wealth more than the Lord? Let us be honest with ourselves. If there is any accounting to be done, any ledger to be kept, let us perform a rigid, ruthless accounting of our own hearts on this matter, and let us keep a severe, meticulous ledger on our own devotion to the Lord. Let the condition of our hearts be the subject of our accounting, and let the debits in our devotion to the Lord be the things that we cut.

Are we to sell our houses and all our valuables and donate them to the church? Not necessarily. It would probably be a stretch to say that Mark intended such a meaning. The value of this passage lies in its ability to remind us—and perhaps rebuke us—of what our priorities should be. When it comes to our money and possessions, we must always bear in mind that something greater than our possessions is here. Let’s live out this truth in our lives, recognizing that no sacrifice is too great when done for the Lord.

8 Responses to Of Piety and Perfume

  • Eldon says:

    Thanks for your last two blogs Jeremy. I love this story, but every time I hear it or read it I wonder was what this woman did really a sacrifice or is it just in the eye of the beholder that it becomes a sacrifice? I believe for the woman it was just an act of love, it was natural, it was easy and it was just the thing to do. She probably didn’t even consider the cost of the perfume or if she did it made no difference.When you love someone as much as this woman loved Jesus you do things because you want to and never think of them as a sacrifice.

    I think you said it all in your previous blog when you said “Let’s make the pursuit of the Kingdom of God and His righteousness our first priority and leave the rest to Him, as Jesus tells us in Matthew 6: 31-33 to not worry about having enough food or drink or clothing… our Heavenly Father already knows all our needs and he will give us all we need from day to day if we live for Him and make the Kingdom or God our primary concern. Which means to put God first in our life, to fill our thoughts with His desires, to take His character for our pattern, and to serve and obey Him in every thing and give Him first place in every area of life.

    Psalm 84:11 says For the Lord God is our light and protector He gives us grace and glory No good thing will the Lord withhold From those who do what is right.

  • Hi Eldon,

    Interesting question. I think that, for someone to know something is a sacrifice, they have to first know the value of the thing they’re giving up. For example, right now in my life three dollars is not much value, so if I drop that in the collection bag at church I know I’m not making much of a sacrifice. However, if that three dollars were the last money I had to my name, then that money is extremely valuable to me (like the widow who gave only two mites, which were terribly low in value), making it a sacrifice. So I’d say that one’s knowledge of the value of the offering definitely factors in.

    Regarding the woman who gave up the perfume, I’m inclined to think that she knew the value of the perfume because she had it in an alabaster container–a secure container. Not only that, but it’s difficult to imagine someone in that culture back then not being aware of the immense costliness of that ointment (pure nard). Finally, Mark makes a definite effort to point out that the pure nard was “very costly,” so his intention was probably to teach that there was a sacrifice going on.

  • Eldon says:


    I agree that the woman knew very well the value of the perfume but I still believe it made no difference to her, it’s value was zero compared to her love for Jesus and it would not have been a sacrifice to offer it up to Him, it was pure pleasure.

    I say this because I once had the pleasure of giving away 2 motorcycles I owned. I could have sold them both for pretty good money but it just felt right to give them to a church that knew exactly what to do with them in a way that would glorify God. I felt both of those motorcycles were a gift from God, they served their purpose in my life by bringing me into fellowship with some very Godly men that I never would have met if it hadn’t been for those Bikes.

    The reward I received by giving those two Bikes to God was far greater than any amount of money I could have gotten for them. I never looked at it as a sacrifice. It was the thing to do! and it has been amazing to follow how the Lord is still using those bikes in the lives of other people that need Jesus as I did before He put those Bikes in my life.

    I love the saying “don’t give till it hurts, Give till it feels good.”

    I also like Psalm 37:4 that tells us to delight our selves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart. There was a point in my life that my greatest desire was a beautiful motorcycle, just like the one He gave me before I ever knew Him, but then I got to know Him, realized it was from Him, and I started to delight myself in Him, and then He goes and changes my desires. Go figure!

    Any way,I have a great testimony on how I came to start tithing because of my first motorcycle and how that brought a second motorcycle into my life, if you would like to hear it.

    Numbers 6:24-26

  • Hi Eldon,

    In one sense I agree with you: When the sacrifice is made out of genuine love, it is done cheerfully and there is no pain in the parting. But I think you might be getting hung up on a wrong definition of the word. You seem to think that something is a sacrifice if one parts with it painfully and with difficulty, but that it’s not a sacrifice if one parts with it gladly and lovingly. I’m not so sure that the delight in giving makes the act of giving any less of a sacrifice. A sacrifice is simply something of value that is given up, whether one perceives it that way or not. The fact that we are giving up something of value is what makes it a sacrifice, not our perception of it as such. Our perception of something doesn’t make it what it is. If I have surgery but afterward receive pain killers, I won’t perceive the incision. I will probably forget about it and watch t.v. or think about something else. That, however, doesn’t mean that I don’t have an incision. The existence of something does not depend on our perception of it. I’m just pointing this out because you’re emphasizing that the woman’s joyful, loving attitude about the giving eliminated the sacrificial aspect of the act.

    A better example might be Jacob’s service to Laban for seven years to obtain Rachel as his wife. The Bible says, “So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.” (Gen. 29:20) Jacob’s time in service was seven whole years, regardless of the fact that his love for Rachel made them seem brief. That was definitely a loss of a significant portion of his life. The loss was what made it a sacrifice, not his perception of it.

  • Eldon says:


    You are right, I guess I have always thought of a sacrifice as something painful or difficult to do, but I see what you mean. thanks for clearing this up for me. The story of Jacob’s service to Laban did it for me. Look forward to your next blog

  • You know, after I posted my last message I thought of probably the best example of all: Jesus himself! He made the ultimate sacrifice (himself) and yet was not 100% joyful about it. He was overcome with anguish over it and sweated drops of blood.

  • Eldon says:

    So I was right? A sacrifice is something painful and or difficult to do. and the more painful or difficult, the greater the sacrifice?

  • I’d say you were half-right. A sacrifice is sometimes painful and difficult to do, but not necessarily. What defines a sacrifice is giving up something of value–whether one does it joyfully or painfully. Jacob’s labor for seven years was a sacrifice because he gave up something of value–joyfully (or at least that’s strongly implied). Jesus’ gift of himself was a sacrifice because he, too, gave up something of value–painfully. I just don’t think you can measure a sacrifice by the attitude one has when one gives it.

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